Bike Shops Listed as Essential Businesses
Wisconsin Bike Fed thanks Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for listing Bike Shops, supply, repair, and sales in the Stay-At-Home order.
Biking allowed when following social distancing requirements.
Wisconsin Bike Fed thanks Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for listing Bike Shops, supply, repair, and sales in the Stay-At-Home order. We also thank everyone who answered our call to contact the Governor and their elected officials.
Read the Governor’s entire official media release here. An interactive map of open bike shops is below.
We have pulled the essential sections and copied them below:
k. Gas stations and businesses needed for transportation. Gas
stations; auto and motorcycle supply, repair and sales; boat
supply, repair, and sales; and bicycle supply, repair, and sales.
Biking is allowed a long as Social Distancing Requirements are followed:
Outdoor activity. To engage in outdoor activity, including
visiting public and state parks, provided individuals comply
with Social Distancing Requirements as defined below. Such
activities include, by way of example and without limitation,
walking, biking, hiking, or running. Individuals may not engage
in team or contact sports such as by way of example and
without limitation, basketball, ultimate frisbee, soccer, or
football, as these activities do not comply with Social Distancing
Requirements. Playgrounds are closed.
Bike Share is not mentioned specifically but we believe it falls under the “construed broadly” definition:*(see below for statement on Bike Share from Bublr Bikes in Milwaukee
distribution centers; oil and biofuel refining; roads, highways, railroads,
and public transportation; ports; cybersecurity operations; flood
control; solid waste and recycling collection and removal; and internet,
video, and telecommunications systems (including the provision of
essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing
services, business infrastructure, communications, and web-based
Essential Infrastructure shall be construed broadly to avoid any
impacts to essential infrastructure, broadly defined.
UPDATE 3/26/2020 Currently Bublr in Milwaukee and Madison BCycle are open, but with some station closures. Please use health precautions such as gloves and hand washing or sanitation before and after usage. This may change and we will try to update you as soon as we hear more. Read a statement by Bublr regarding Bike Share operations here.
Thank you again to those who contacted their elected officials. The Bike Fed will continue to monitor changes that affect our industry and activities and update you when we hear anything new.