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Santa Cycle Rampage

Mark your calendar for December 7th in Milwaukee and December 14th in Madison! More info coming soon. Registration set to open first the week of October!

Santa Cycle Rampage is a fun way to raise critical funds that support youth and family based education and encouragement programs in Milwaukee and Dane Counties. Bike Fed has recently expanded our education offerings in Dane and Milwaukee county to include High Schools along with our long running K-8 programs. Both these programs have a match requirement and the funds raised at these events provide critical financial support to our programs that help kids and families get riding safely and more often!

If you are a business that wishes to be involved and learn more please reach out to us now! Contact .

Members make sure to check your email for your discount code! Or you can choose the Adult entry+ membership and receive the discounted ride rate and pay your annual membership fee all in one transaction!

Elf Cycle Frenzy: We are excited to again host our family and kids focused 3 mile ride that will be led by our experienced Safe Routes to School education staff on a Bay View neighborhood based loop. Holiday Music will be accompanying and hot coco at the end for the kids! Starts immediately after the main ride leaves from Robinson St. Please register for the main ride, just stay back and follow the team once the main ride leaves.


Check out this update with great photos from the 2023 Milwaukee Rampage.

Please enjoy these past event videos.