Can You Put A Price On Safety?
The Bike Fed has launched a major fundraising campaign to raise $100,000 for Safe Streets
The Bike Fed is launching a major fundraising campaign to raise $100,000 for Safe Streets because the past federal funding for Share & Be Aware is no longer available.
Although we get more requests than we can accommodate for Share & Be Aware (S&BA) Ambassadors to teach classes and attend local events across the state, without your support, the popular safety program is at risk

Please donate to this important program that improves safety for all of us. If just 1,000 people will donate $100 each, we will have $100,000 to support Safe Streets. Please make a donation of any amount. Even $7 dollars can provide one driver or biker with a seat in a class. If you want the money you give to make it safer where you ride, check the box to keep your donation local. For instance, if the folks in the Fox Cities raise $30,000, those funds will support staffing and programs in that area.

In eight years, S&BA Ambassadors around the state have held 982 classes and attended 1,541 community events to teach and talked about bicycle and pedestrian safety to 228,880 people, reaching every county. Through social media and traditional advertising, we have reached millions more people with safety information and encouragement messages for how all road users can legally and safely share the road. This program is efficient and effective and needs your support.

If you are one of many people who have been passed too closely by a car, been honked at for trying to cross the street in a crosswalk, or frustrated by scofflaws who give all bicyclists a bad reputation, here is your chance to take some action and make a difference!
Please make a donation today to keep safety education programs ongoing in Wisconsin.

We have done all this at a cost of less than $7 per person for classes and events and only $.08 per person for our media program.
Despite the success and low cost of the program, recent federal rule changes now limit the use of Highway Safety Improvement Program funds to infrastructure projects. Our past funds can no longer be used for safety education or encouragement programs of any kind. Your donation will help support the priceless goal of safer biking in Wisconsin.
Make a donation today!
Please help keep this safety education program for all road users in Wisconsin going.