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The Wisconsin Bike Fed Council of Advocates held its third meeting of the year on September 5th, hearing from Ruth Rosas at America Walks on National Week Without Driving.

America Walks’ Week Without Driving campaign has really gained some steam over the past couple of years shedding light on challenges that millions of Americans face every day as non-drivers. As a matter of fact, did you know that 31% of Wisconsin residents identify as non-drivers? Check out this great map from WisDOT to see how many non-drivers are in your community. 

To raise awareness of this critical issue, we are helping to amplify America Walks’ campaign by inviting you to write to your legislators asking them to participate in the national Week Without Driving Challenge from September 30th to October 6th. We also encourage you to participate yourself, visit the campaign’s official website to learn more about taking part in this challenge. Don’t worry if you don’t complete the challenge perfectly, the goal here is to highlight the gaps and inspire change in the way we organize community transportation and infrastructure.

Some other reminders and announcements shared at the September 5th meeting: 

Get out and VOTE this fall – Make sure your legislators and representatives know that cyclists vote too! The November election is on Tuesday, November 5th this year. Questions about where and how to vote in your neighborhood this fall? Email Collin! 

Funding Opportunity: USDOT’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant Program The RCP Program focuses on improving access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and foster equitable development and restoration, and provide technical assistance to further these goals. The application deadline was just extended to 11 PM CST on September 30th!

Questions about this funding opportunity? Email us!,

People for Bikes Great Bike Infrastructure Project – One of our national partner organizations, People for Bikes, is working on filling out a map of new bike infrastructure projects from around the country. Is there a project in your neck of the woods that recently got funded or completed? Let People for Bikes know and submit the project on their website!

If you live near or visit Madison, you can also support the Great Bike Infrastructure project by purchasing a “Share the Road” bumper sticker at either the Madison Trek East location, or Madison Trek West

Interested in Joining the Council? 

Since the Council of Advocates was first introduced at the start of 2022, our membership has continued to grow, with 59 counties now represented. While this is great progress, our vision is to have a member from each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties – if you’re interested in advancing cycling and trails initiatives in Wisconsin and from a county that does not currently have representation, please see which counties are still needed by viewing our past article on the status of the council.  

If you are interested in joining the Council of Advocates, or have any Council-related questions, please contact our Government Affairs Manager, Collin, at