Biden-Harris Administration Announces Roadway Safety Planning Grants to Five Wisconsin Projects
On October 27, 2023, the Biden-Harris Presidential Administration announced that Wisconsin would be the recipient of nearly $1 million in federal grant money (page 25) under the US Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Planning and Demonstration program.

The SS4A Planning and Demonstration program is an opportunity for communities to develop plans and projects that stress responsible driving, safer road designs, speed limits, and improved post-crash care, according to USDOT. Helping communities plan and design safer streets is a key element of USDOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy to combat the crisis of deaths on our nation’s roads. This award is a huge win for cyclists and pedestrians in the state of Wisconsin.
You can view the table of awards for Wisconsin below:
The SS4A program was created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). According to USDOT, today is the first of two announcements for this round of the Safe Streets and Roads for All competitive grant program, and includes planning and demonstration grants. The second announcement is coming later this year and will include funding to implement safety improvements. In total, the SS4A grants are expected to provide millions of dollars in funding investments towards safety improvements, providing the funding directly to local communities across the state of Wisconsin.
You can learn more about the Safe Streets and Roads for All program here.