Budget Address Great for Bikes
Gov. Evers’ Budget calls for investment in Active Transportation, Safety and Outdoor Recreation.
Gov. Evers’ Budget calls for investment in Active Transportation, Safety and Outdoor Recreation.
The 2021-2023 Executive Budget tackles many important statewide issues – including the rollout of the Badger Bounce Back Plan. The Bike Fed was particularly happy to see his inclusion of our main Advocacy goals!
- Restoration of eminent domain for bike and walking trails
- Complete Streets statewide implementation
- Increased Transportation Alternative Program funds by $1 Million per year.
- $70 million annually for the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and a 10-year reauthorization
We would like to thank Governor Evers and Lt. Governor Barnes for listening to our concerns. Thank you to our partners and colleagues on statewide committees that have helped to champion these causes, and YOU for voicing your support for these changes that can positively benefit so many people across our state.
We are aware that this is just one step in the budget process and as of today we are unsure what final form the budget will take. Rest assured, we are watching closely and doing all we can to make biking better for everyone in Wisconsin. As always, if an urgent action is needed we will put out the call with specific asks and directions.
Please consider supporting our continued advocacy efforts by joining the Bike Fed or making a donation at https://wisconsinbikefed.org/support-us/donate/
Read the entire Budget Proposal here https://doa.wi.gov/Pages/2021-23%20Executive%20Budget.aspx