Pedal for Good Food Drive
Together we can make a difference
The most important event we’re promoting is the Pedal for Good Bike Food Drive. The City of Madison, Appleton, and Milwaukee have all independently organized the giveback series to bring awareness to the seriousness of food insecurity during the pandemic in Wisconsin.
Food and supply donations are encouraged to be made by bike, which can be carried out independently, with your household, or “quaranteam,” (i.e. people that you work with). Donating by car is acceptable, however, donating by bike in select cities will earn you some cool prizes! When you visit the Wisconsin Bike Week site, check out the Locations tab, find the participating cities, and there you will find all drop off sites. Also, be sure to check out our general page to learn about what shelf-stable foods are acceptable to donate; how to outfit your bike for hauling cargo, and learn more about the impact that your donation makes for those in need.
While this is just a small gesture, we hope to find a way to build this programming into our regular operations as a way to activate the cycling community as well as attract new riders who value both the pursuit of friendly biking across the state as well as giving when and where the need is great.

The Bike Fed thanks all of our participating drop off sites, with a special thanks to Wheel & Sprocket for making all of their Wisconsin store locations eligible for food and supply drop-off.
Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve become acutely aware of increased ridership across the state, and we wish to inspire more people to get out and ride! In light of the recent uptick we will be kicking off a storytelling series, Portraits by Bike during the week and on through the month of September; highlighting some awesome Wisconsinites who bike for all of the right reasons. We’re honored to share stories. Portraits by Bike is Sponsored by Barbara A. and Robert Monnat.
Additionally, if you are looking for a way to deliver your food donation look no further than Bublr Bike. Standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement, Bublr is offering a free monthly pass now through the end of September. To get your free 30-day pass, download the B-Cycle App on your mobile device, choose a 30-day pass, at check-out apply the promo code MLK57. While you are at it, check out our Bike Fed Bublr Hunt. If you find our Wisconsin Bike Fed wrapped Bublr Bike simply take a photo of yourself with the bike and email it to michael.anderson@wisconsinbikefed.org. You will be entered to win a swag bag of bicycle prizes. Participation is free and so is riding the bike. The front basket of a Bublr Bike perfectly fits one full paper bag of groceries. Get active and help get the community fed!