Free materials to promote Bike Safety in your community
These education booklets and yard signs help us spread the word about safer cycling!
We have over 4000 copies of “From A to Z by Bike: The comprehensive guide to safe bicycling for kids and adults”. We want to see them in your hands and on your coffee tables or at your community centers or business! Do you manage a library or bike shop or are hosting an event that these might be helpful to hand out at please let us know!

If you are in the Milwaukee area they can be picked up from our offices in the Bay View neighborhood. For the rest of the state please reach out and we can coordinate another location or send to you for only the cost of shipping. (shipping costs vary and will not know until we determine how many and where they are going)
Please email info@wisconsinbikefed.org with subject “A to Z” to inquire or schedule a pick up.
In addition, we have about 100 of these yard signs and stakes to get into your yards, neighborhood, or business! Help us spread the word that 3 feet is the minimum legal passing distance on all roads!

Same with the booklets these are free to pick up in our Milwaukee office. We can arrange for a closer pick up with staff in Madison or Appleton. If interested please reach out to info@wisconsinbikefed.org with subject line ” yard signs” and we will happily coordinate with you.