August Milwaukee Event and Advocacy Updates
Lots of opportunity to get involved coming up in Milwaukee.
Lots of opportunity to get involved coming up in Milwaukee.
For some families it’s back to school time already and some are squeezing in a few more weeks of Summer. The Bike Fed programs staff in Milwaukee is busy. Here are some great upcoming opportunities to get involved in making your voice heard for safer streets for people biking or walking.
City of Milwaukee DPW projects
We are very excited at the prospect of this Walnut St. reconstruction project. Bike Fed pleads for WisDOT to accept the design and move forward with the proposed design. We urge you to come to the meeting or submit comments in support. Thank you to Milwaukee DPW for listening to the community and working to make positive changes to our street designs.
Join in person to learn more: Public Involvement Meeting #2 – August 17, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Open House Meeting at House of Peace, 1702 West Walnut Street
*Face masks are required

And as always keep an eye on upcoming projects and submit pro bike/pro pedestrian comments where applicable!
Crosswalk Actions
Follow MilWALKee Walks on Facebook and Instagram to stay in touch. Come help hold signs to remind driver’s to yield to pedestrians! We will cross the street at various intersections on the block here and help other vulnerable users be seen by people driving.
37th and Vliet St. 5-6pm on August 13th, 20th, and 27th
Brady St and Warren Ave: 5-6pm Tuesday, August 31st
Brady St. and Astor St. 5-6pm Thursday, Sept. 2nd
North Ave and Murray Ave: 5:30-7pm Thursday, August 26th
Washington Park Bike Night
Volunteer, Ride, and Celebrate Washington Park Wednesday, August 18th: Bike Night! Three ways to participate.
- We are looking for volunteers to conduct a Pedestrian Action on 47th & Washington Boulevard. Or if you live in the neighborhood drop off your potted plant to set up a Potted Plant Protected Bike Lane.
- Join our People Protected Bike Lane rally from 4:30pm-5:30pm on Galena and 40th. https://fb.me/e/1cjiBdUZq
- Stick around for a 2 mile Slow Roll down the Galena Active Street and back to Washington Park for live music.
To get involved or for questions contact michael.anderson@wisconsinbikefed.org

We are again collecting food for those in need as part of Pedal for Good. Find locations and food suggestions here
We are also fast approaching the previously postponed 2021 Wisconsin Bike Week! September 12th-19th. More info to come very soon. If you wish to be involved by hosting an event or volunteering please email Caressa@wisconsinbikefed.org
We are working hard on some very cool events, like Bike in Movies, Rides, and advocacy actions so stay tuned!