Riding Across Wisconsin – Family Style
At this slower pace we hear the stories about how these communities came to life, which family recipes are used at the local cafe and where to find the best place to hang the hammock for a rest by the water’s edge.
As we follow the route, preparing for August of 2021, we stop in each community along the way working the kinks out of intersections, side roads and hills. At this slower pace we hear the stories about how these communities came to life, which family recipes are used at the local cafe and where to find the best place to hang the hammock for a rest by the water’s edge. Our adventure is about the BIG little things and creating memories. We follow comfortable routes that connect our favorite stops with the best COVID friendly practices. It really feels like we are living the best experience any ride across Wisconsin could offer, and we are very excited to share it with you.
We have thoroughly enjoyed the amazing stories and bucket list rides of 225 miles in one or two days, however the journey of Ride Across Wisconsin belongs to more than just the incredible, streamlined and bib-wearing participants of this EPIC ride. This accomplishment belongs to everyone who lives with, near or vicariously through these amazing athletes.

There is no better place to start than in the middle. Leaning on the bike rack at the new back porch serving counter at Alley Cats Coffeehouse in Hortonville you will certainly hear many bike stories, and even one about longboarding to Madison! Leave your car here in the public lot or let the family drive ahead to Manawa where they can park and hop on the beautiful Tomorrow River Trail, maybe the older kids are ready to ride ahead down the trail while you soak in the community that wants to showcase their perfect spot at the trailhead. Meet them down the way at King Cone in Amherst and enjoy an endless list of fresh made and very unique flavors. From here you are not too far from Stevens Point where they have worked diligently to create safe places for people to stay, hotels have plenty of rooms open or camping is available at Lake Emily, just east of town. Be sure you stay long enough to enjoy all that the well known Green Circle Trail has to offer, it is 27 miles of WOW! We enjoy the sculpture park, boardwalks, a stop for frisbee golf, and lots of waterfront, and new outdoor eating areas with plenty of space. Try visiting Emy Js, Ruby Coffee Roasters Cafe, the COOP and find many COVID friendly places on the Facebook page Central Wisconsin Maskers.

The communities on our 2021 Ride Across Wisconsin route are excited to see you and have lots of bike adventures waiting for the fans and fams who are along for their own EPIC ride.