Volunteer for Cycling!
Support what you love!
You love biking for your own enjoyment and transportation…but do you also love supporting cycling in your community and encouraging others to enjoy safe, fun biking? We thought so!
Volunteer with the Bike Fed to support what you love!
The Wisconsin Bike Fed participates in a variety of activities and events throughout the year and your support will help promote and fulfill our mission.
We are grateful for administrative help in the office, advocacy assistance, and onsite attendance at events to sell merchandise, sign up members, refuel riders, and assist guests. Many opportunities take place outside with Bike Fed branded tents and tables and may involve lifting, standing and sitting in a variety of weather conditions.

If any of this sounds great to you, please complete our Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll be in touch as opportunities arise.
Questions? Please contact Laura at 414-626-1540 or Laura@WisconsinBikeFed.org.
Thank you!!