Led by area stakeholders and the Iron County Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts’ (ICORE) Bike Expansion Committee, the Mercer Bike Trail Expansion Project is focusing on adding an additional 9 miles from Carow Park to WinMan Trails. This would complete a 23-mile loop from Mercer to WinMan, through
Manitowish Waters and back north to Mercer. This expansion will include connecting to the “Heart of Vilas” 52-mile trail system which was recently designated as a National Recreational Trail.
ICORE’s Bike Expansion Committee recently applied for and received a TAP Grant from the DOT for a feasibility study for completing a loop from Mercer to the Heart of Vilas Trail via HWY J to the Winman Trails. Going forward, the Bike Fed will continue working with ICORE’s Bike Expansion Committee in an advisement and advocacy capacity, seeking new opportunities for funding and overall community support.