Winter Walk to School Day
February is Winter Walk to School Month in Wisconsin
A mild winter makes it that much easier to get out and celebrate Winter Walk to School Day!
February is Winter Walk to School Month in Wisconsin! The Safe Routes to School program in Dane County is excited to celebrate by supporting our intrepid winter walkers at a few of Madison’s schools with hot chocolate in the morning. At our first two events this month we passed out over 100 cups of hot chocolate to excited winter walkers.
Walking to school is a great way to stay physically active and engaged with the community in the winter. Our first hot cocoa of the month went to a fifth grader who has never been driven in a car to school. We also met a new friend who walks to school everyday and shared that his favorite part of his walk was being in nature. Some parents shared that while they walk in warmer weather, it’s hard to want to walk in the winter, but the hot chocolate really motivated them and their children to walk to school today.
We are always excited to support and encourage students that walk with Walking School Buses. Hot chocolate, reflective slap bracelets, and winter walk day cheer were a great way to start the month.
Here are some tips to stay safe on your walk to school this winter:
Walk like a penguin! Go slowly and take smaller steps on slippery ice and snow.
Be seen! Wear bright colors and reflective clothing.
Layer up to stay warm. Always remember a hat and gloves.
And driver’s: please drive a safe speed for the weather conditions! Slow down if wet or snowy road conditions and always exercise increased caution in school zones.

We hope to see more youth and families walking this month and every month. If you’re school in Dane County is interested in growing an active transportation culture, please reach out to natalie@wisconsinbikefed.org