Tracing the Divide Documentary
Most cyclists enjoy a long ride. Sometimes we go a little nuts and even ride a ‘century’ or 100 mile ride. And then there are those who go bigger, and dabble in what’s often called ultra cycling. Rides can range from 200 miles to…well, there really isn’t a limit.
Two local Wisconsin riders jumped from ‘normal’ long rides into completing the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Chris Schmidt and Chris Hiebert took an idea and ended up riding over 2400 miles, across the United States, starting at the Canadian border and ending at the Mexico border.

Chris Schmidt shared that someone showed him the route on a phone, and that was the beginning of the whole thing. He pretty much immediately said, ‘I have to do that’. He shared it with his lifelong friend, and former college roommate, Chris Hiebert, who pretty much said no. However, he couldn’t stop thinking about it either and they started making plans.
Neither had experience in bikepacking (think of backpacking but with a bike) or any ultra distance cycling. They did a few smaller events, including a 3 day 2 night ride in Northern Minnesota, and really loved it. However, they admit they weren’t as prepared as they thought.
Both say the ride was a life changing experience. Some people buy a midlife crisis sports car, or perhaps a new relationship. Both said their wives thought they were crazy, but were supportive.
Many things in life can help you reexamine and really break things down, and in this case, it was true, but on a daily basis. The two faced wind, mud, mountains, and monsoons. They often slept at 5000 feet and rode over 10,000 foot passes. By the end they could communicate in grunts, knowing each other so intimately that a simple ‘yup’ communicated all that needed to be said.

If you enjoy cycling documentaries, then you’re in for a treat. If you simply enjoy stories about life, or overcoming adversity, or just enjoy beautiful scenery, then you’re still in for a treat. There are three local showings of Tracing the Divide, and we encourage everyone to get out and check out the film, presented by Lunar Door:
12:15p Saturday April 20, 2024 @ Oriental Theater (Herzfeld Cinema), Milwaukee, WI
3:15p Monday, April 22, 2024 @ Avalon Theater, Milwaukee, WI
2:30p Wednesday, April 24, 2024 @ Oriental Theater (Abele Cinema), Milwaukee, W
No spoilers, but bear spray was necessary for the ride, and it may have been used at one point. Check out the movie trailer and get tickets.
From the “Tracing the Divide” website:
Two life-long friends embark on an adventure of a lifetime as they cycle the rigorous Great Divide Mountain Bike Route from Canada to Mexico. Over 24 days, through wind, mud, and monsoons, the Divide tests their limits physically and mentally, yet the Divide is also a gift that allows them to look inward and rediscover themselves with new purpose.
Filmmaker Jack Zakrajsek captures each cyclist’s struggles and successes while instilling a sense of majestic awe and cinematic beauty within the diverse spaces along the Great Divide.