In 2024, Bike Fed partnered with Wisconsin Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to produce “Built for Safety: Complete Street Features For All Users”. The videos educate and encourage residents to better understand various traffic calming features they see in their community. The series highlights people of all backgrounds, and modes of transportation, as they travel through their communities each day, intersecting with each other when we may not even notice. We all have a shared goal of getting to our destination safely and conveniently. Bike Fed encourages everyone to share these with local partners working to create safer streets for all, or just on your social media channel.
The comprehensive video, and each chapter as separate shorter videos, is available in English and Spanish. Watch below or the playlists can be found on YouTube in English and here in Spanish. Or scroll down to watch embedded Spanish versions.
View, like, comment, and share short form clips from our Instagram page.
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