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Ask Your Legislators to Support Cycling Infrastructure

Make your voice heard!

As the new legislative session gets into full swing, we need to make sure that trails, biking, pedestrian safety, and funding for all of the above are on the forefront of legislators’ minds. Particularly if you are represented by a new member of the senate or the assembly, educating them on the physical, social and economic benefits of biking in Wisconsin is vitally important.

Use the links below to:

  1.  Find your legislators by searching for your address on the Wisconsin State Legislature’s “Who Represents Me?” page.
  2.  Preview the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s letter before filling in your information, adding your own “spin” as you see fit.
  3.  Electronically send the letter from our website to your district’s representative and senator. 

Thank you in advance for your advocacy!

Click here to find your Legislator.

Click here to preview the letter text before filling out the form.

Legislator Outreach

Your Name(Required)
Your Address(Required)
If you do not know which State Assembly District you live in, please visit
If you do not know which State Senate District you live in, please visit