Well, My Deer, That’s a Wrap!
2023 Madison Santa Cycle Rampage a Jolly Good Time!
We candy cane, we candy saw, we candy conquered at the Madison Santa Cycle Rampage on Saturday, December 9, 2023!
The truly festive event saw some 400 participants riding around, spreading holiday cheer on the streets of Madison. We FUNdraised for youth cycling advocacy and education, played wacky field games at Breese Stevens Field, enjoyed copious amounts of Santa’s favorite java and delicious treats from Wonderstate Coffee, Clausen’s Bakery and Bloom Bakeshop. Some of the luckiest elves even won goodies donated by local businesses in the reindeer raffle!
Thank you to all of the amazing participants and partners for making this year’s event a yule-tide blast. Your incredible and intricate costumes, energy for the day, and overall support of the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s educational mission matter deeply to us.
Plus, coming together in large roll outs like this are important ways of strengthening our local cycling communities. You’re so on the nice list for that.

In clarification, and because each news outlet will quote it differently, the Santa Cycle Rampage Madison started ten years ago with a small group of devoted and merry riders (some of whom have kept the tradition going annually). The Wisconsin Bike Fed took the ride over three years ago and we’ve had a jolly good time ever since.

If your heart felt joyous on your Rampage ride and you want to continue supporting Bike Fed’s education and advocacy efforts, you can join, renew, or give a gift membership with benefits! Hot tip: rates will increase on January 15, 2024, so now is a great time to support with current rates. Already a member – Thank you! Have questions – contact us at 414-626-1540 or membership@wisconsinbikefed.org.
Fill out this form to help us make Madison Rampage better and better.
For Parents/Guardians: We are trying to make the Madison Rampage a kid-centric event, so your input would be very helpful in making that a reality!

Mark Your Calendar for 2024 Santa Cycle Rampage!
Join us to jingle all the way in Milwaukee on Saturday, December 7, 2023 and Madison on Saturday, December 14, 2024!