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Wisconsin Bike Week!

There are still plenty of cycling events happening all year.

Join us June 1st – 8th, 2025 for Wisconsin Bike Week.

Wisconsin Bike Week 2024 was celebrated June 1st-9th with this year’s theme “Bikes Mean Business.” Bikes are good for our local economies. In fact, an economic impact study by the Outdoor Industry Association shows cycling contributes $1.4 billion dollars to our state coffers and provides more than 13,000 jobs. And it’s not just in Wisconsin. The League of American Bicyclists report highlights impacts from around the country.

During this special week we asked local businesses to get involved in supporting people who travel by bike and asked riders to, in turn, support local businesses. Our goal was to make people aware that cycling helps to grow our local economy.

People participated in group rides, ride with the Mayor, ride with the County Executive, Pride Ride, Commuter Stations and more….

Thank you Wisconsin Bike Week Sponsors

Our thanks to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for their support of Bike Week and the educational opportunities and PSAs you may see running on TV and billboards.

Our thanks to Numbers 4 Nonprofits for their support of Bike Week.

Bike rack options: Madrax Bicycle Security | Saris Infrastructure.

Check with your local municipality or Department of Public Works to see if they might have a free bike rack program like Milwaukee or Madison.