The Bike Fed is Coming to Beloit!
Bike/Ped Education Opportunities November 7-9!
The Bike Fed recently received funding to organize and teach dozens of free bike safety classes throughout Wisconsin. To kick off our tour, we’re going to be in Beloit on November 7-9. With the exception of the Beloit Walk Audit, all four bicycle education opportunities will have a Spanish language accommodation. Here are the planned events:
Thursday November 7th:
3-5pm – Beloit Walk Audit – Beloit College Powerhouse (850 Pleasant St)
Join us for a walk audit in Beloit, identifying both assets and problematic areas for people walking and rolling. We will start at the Powerhouse to go over our methodology, route, and goals. After a one mile walk/roll, we will return to the Powerhouse and discuss our findings. This is a great opportunity to organize advocacy efforts around making Beloit’s transportation infrastructure more inclusive. Wear comfortable shoes. This walk/roll will be on sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, and will involve crossing busier streets as a group. Sign up here! For questions about accessibility and accommodations, please contact Marybeth.
Friday, November 8th:
9:30-11am – Adult Learn To Ride – Beloit College Powerhouse (850 Pleasant St)
Have you always wanted to learn how to ride a bike? Do you want to brush up on your two-wheel skills? This is the class for you. Taught by accredited instructors, participants are encouraged to come with little or no experience, everyone is welcome as they are! This class is free, though registration is required. Sign up here!
12-6pm – Smart Cycling – Beloit College Powerhouse (850 Pleasant St)
This course provides cyclists with the confidence to ride safely and legally in traffic or on the trail. We will cover the basics of bike maintenance, rules of the road, on-bike skills, and crash avoidance techniques. The workshop will start in the classroom for discussion about safe riding techniques, then we head to the parking lot to practice some on-bike skills. We will finish the workshop with a ride on local roads. This class is free, though registration is required. Sign up here!

6-8pm – Pedals, Pedestrians, and Pints – Hatley’s Pub (435 E Grand Ave)
Come meet fellow bike enthusiasts for light refreshments and a chance to discuss biking and walking in Beloit. Do you have a favorite bike ride you want to share? Or a dangerous intersection you want to discuss advocacy strategies about? Join us for an evening of comradery.
Saturday, November 9th:
9am-1pm – Teaching Safe Bicycling – Todd Elementary (1621 Oakwood Ave)
Come learn how to teach the young people in your life how to bike safely. This course is aimed at adults who are interested in hosting a “bike rodeo” to teach bike safety skills to youth. Come for the morning session and then stay for the afternoon rodeo to practice the skills you just learned. This class is free, though registration is required. Sign up here!
1-3pm – Bike Rodeo – Todd Elementary (1621 Oakwood Ave)
Gain confidence riding at our bike safety event for children ages 4-18. We’ll have bike & helmet safety checks, a helmet decorating station, and 7 fun skills courses. Participants will be entered into a drawing for bike-themed prizes! You must bring your own bike and helmets are required. Sign up encouraged! Come and bring your friends!

Do you want us to come to your community in the next year?
Reach out to us by filling out an interest form and we will work with you to see what is possible! We’re particularly interested in helping with events in these counties:
– Brown
– Dane
– Kenosha
– Marathon
– Milwaukee
– Outagamie
– Racine
– Rock
– Sheboygan
– Winnebago