2022 Project Highlight – Fox River Trail
In 2022, Bike Fed is focusing on advancing important trails and projects throughout the state that can make a difference for Wisconsin cyclists. This month's project highlight: the Fox River Trail in Brown County.
In 2022, Bike Fed is focusing on advancing important trails and projects throughout the state that can make a difference for Wisconsin cyclists. This month’s project highlight: the Fox River Trail in Brown County.
One of our priority projects for 2022 is the Fox River Trail in northeastern Wisconsin. This landmark trail spans 26.3 miles from Green Bay to Hilbert, making it a hub for outdoor enthusiasts, active commuters, daily walkers, and more! The Friends of the Fox River Trail estimates that the trail has been visited more than 2 million times since 1999, making it one of the state’s most-used trails.
But, with high-volume usage also comes high-volume needs. The foot and wheel traffic the trail draws every day takes a toll, and many sections of the Fox River Trail are now in need of repaving to ensure users can enjoy the trail safely. The need to prioritize the Fox River Trail was brought to Bike Fed’s attention by State Representative Kristina Shelton, who represents parts of Green Bay and uses the trail daily.
Working together with Rep. Shelton, local advocacy groups like the Green Bay Bicycle Collective and Friends of the Fox River Trail, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), we are excited to report that progress is being made on this priority project. The DNR has repaving of sections of the Fox River Trail slated for this summer. With the DNR juggling a mounting backlog of maintenance needs alongside stagnant funding options – something Bike Fed is also looking to address – getting this project moving forward is huge for trail-users in the Fox Valley and throughout the state.
After sounding the alarm for her constituents regarding the Fox River Trail, Rep. Shelton had the following to say upon hearing the good news from DNR:
“As an all-seasons user of the Fox River Trail in Green Bay, I am thrilled to see Wisconsin continue to invest in active transportation routes, including our trails. Thank you to all of our trail system champions, elected officials and community leaders who continue to make this beloved trail possible for our families, friends, and neighbors.”
We at Bike Fed would also like to thank all our partners and supporters in getting this project moving forward:
Friends of the Fox River Trail
Green Bay Bicycle Collective
State Representative Kristina Shelton
State Senator Eric Wimberger
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources