Halloween means spooktacular fun for children, families, and communities!
Bike Fed staff share these reminders and tips to help everyone celebrate safely during trick-or-treat season while walking, biking, and driving:
Walking Reminders and Tips
Walk on the sidewalk or if no sidewalk is available, walk facing traffic on the edge of the road or off the road.
Q: Where might people biking and driving be sharing or crossing your path?
A: Driveways, side streets, bikes on the sidewalks, cars on the road where there are no sidewalks.
Look ALL ways when crossing a driveway to a house or parking lot and at all intersections.
Q: What are the four (4) ways you should look before crossing a street or driveway?
A: Left, Right, Ahead and Behind
Make eye contact with other road users, don’t simply look at them, be sure they see you.
Q: If you are at an intersection and one person driving motions for you to go across, is it okay to cross?
A: Yes, but ONLY AFTER you look all ways for others using the road to be sure they also see you.
If you have something that glows or lights up, make sure it is visible. It is best to place these items on a part of your body that is in motion, like your hands, arms, legs or feet.
Q: What is easier to see, something that moves or something that stays still?
A: Things that move catch our eye more easily.
When crossing a street, treat each lane of traffic like a new road.
Q: Is it better to hurry and run out of the street, or walk attentively?
A: Walk attentively, paying attention to your surroundings for changes and new situations.
Be aware when you hear car doors shut or engines turn on, people may be getting ready to start moving their cars.
Q: What are some ways to know if a person is getting ready to move their car?
A: Car door closes, you hear engine noise, you see lights turn on, red & and white lights on the back of the car indicate reverse, turn signals blinking, you hear music playing.

Driving/Biking Reminders and Tips
Turn on lights well before sunset.
Headlights and bike lights can help families and kids see you more easily. Be sure to charge bike lights in advance. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the time near 6pm can be particularly dangerous due to the combination of the sun setting and the popular time for trick-or-treating.
When driving/riding in the days around the holiday, proceed more slowly than usual.
Assume that there are events you don’t know about that will attract more pedestrians throughout neighborhoods, parks, and schools zones.
Do not drive/ride in a costume that impacts your ability to brake and operate your vehicle/bike.
If your trip involves significant time on roadways and/or intersections, consider traveling in street clothes and changing into your costume upon arrival.
Don’t drive/ride if you attend events with alcohol.
Make sure that friends who drink do not drive/bike/walk home alone.
MilWALKee Walks
Check out the MilWALKee Walks Facebook page for additional great info this season and all year long.
Have Spooky Good Fun 👻
This is a great time of year to talk to your neighbors about the kind of infrastructure that would keep kids safer year-round!