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Egg Harbor Trails Project – Door County

This past spring, the Bike Fed worked with stakeholders and local officials in the village of Egg Harbor, WI to discuss a number of trail projects that would increase safe cycling and walking opportunities for community members and visitors alike. 

In May, Egg Harbor Trails Project stakeholders were notified that the National Park Service (NPS) Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA) selected the Village of Egg Harbor Trails Project, following a competitive grant process, to receive technical assistance and community planning. Project stakeholders also applied for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding in late March to go towards a feasibility study for a proposed 5.8 mile trail from the Village of Egg Harbor to downtown Fish Creek. In July 2023, they were informed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that they had been awarded the TAP funding. 

This off-road bike and pedestrian trail would provide a safe connection for students to use to get to the area’s largest K-12 school, which is located in the Village of Fish Creek. Currently, safe walking or biking options between the villages are non-existent. We look forward to continued involvement in the planning and development of cycling and pedestrian infrastructure that will increase safety and connectivity in the Door County communities of Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Gibraltar, Ephraim, and Sister Bay. 

In early October 2023, WisDOT released the list of TAP grant awardees following the spring 2023 application cycle. The Bike Fed is thrilled to announce that the Egg Harbor Trails project was awarded $108,376 to conduct a feasibility study on the proposed project area. Going forward, Bike Fed staff will continue working with project stakeholders and community members on next steps following the completion of the feasibility study.

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